Join us for a three-day or six-day road trip to visit historical sites in Florida
“Without truth, there is no reconciliation.” Bryan Stevenson
“The visceral experience of standing in the spaces where such trauma and tragedy occurred, hearing the stories from such knowledgeable and invested storytellers, created in me a deeper, more gut-level, recognition of the reverberations of historical racial terror still present today.” Heather Burdick, TEAR Steering Committee Member
Join us for a three-day or six-day road trip to visit historical sites in Florida
Both trips include educational visits to lands where racial terror and lynchings were perpetrated.
The three-day trip includes:
The six-day trip includes the above stops and the following:
Live Oak
Montgomery, Alabama
The six-day trip will also include an exploration of the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice.
Tour dates will be announced soon.
Traveling by coach bus, participants will visit community leaders who have engaged in a truth and reconciliation process. Facilitators trained in restorative methods will guide discussion and reflection each day and create opportunities for in-depth dialogue among participants.
The best way to begin to understand the emotional, social, and economic scars left by racial terror incidents in Florida is to touch the soil where these horrors occurred and to come into real dialogue with the residents of the affected communities.
We hope you will join us on this profound journey.